The nightlife in the capital city of Scotland is very active, specially for people older than 18 years. The most common in Edinburgh is the bars but they are not the mostly economically accessible, there are not a lot of parties, but the best known is "The Hive" where there are a series of themes and styles depending of the days of the week. Also night clubs exist, in someones of them the people join to look at the football matches and rugby of the Scotch selection.
2.- What are some of the most important tourist locations?
The places of interest in the city of Edinburgh, especially for the tourists are a lot, in which we find sites as the Royal Mile that is the principal street, the castle of Edinburgh constructed in the year 1852, the palace holyroodhouse that is the stay where there lodges the queen of the united kingdom when there visits the city, the cathedral of st. giles who is a very recognized symbol an also the monument to scott.
3.- What are some traditions in this city?
Every day at one o'clock at midday, except every Sunday, happen a very special event in the castle that it assembles all the visitors to observe a curious tradition that is carried out from 1861. At one o'clock, with an impressive British punctuality, the General of Artillery comes to shoot a modern cannon, that nowadays the tradition, but that works especially as tourist claim. Also we found the favorite holiday of the citizens that is Hogmanei - the New Year. They start celebrating it on December 29, for 4 days in the streets the pilgrimages are organized and finally, the Military Tatto.
4.- How expensive is it to live there? What is the cost of living?
Since we know the life in Edinburgh and in europe is high,
in this several factors influence and inside them one finds the food with a
high value. Having a cost of living, according to a study with the following ones:700 free a month in housing and food; 50 pounds forpublic
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