Thursday 02/05/2013
Principally in the region of Patagonia, there is in excess the pollution that these produce. This state industry that has three thermoelectric head office to coal, its waste spills to the sea that accrding to a study entrusted at the end of March by the laboratory GBL, produce that the marine resources have levels of weighed highly dangerous metals.
The following analyzed species were contaminated by copper, arsenic and cadmium: The croaker, have five times more copper and four times more arsenic than what it is allowed the Argantina regulation. The analyzed crabs were containing values of copper and arsenic 4 times on the Argentina regulation and five times more cadmium of what allows europe norm.
The unions of the industrial pole Comodoro Rivadoria, Mar de la Plata and Basela warned that the solution to the enviromental situation of the zone does not happen for the closing of the facilities. In addition they assure to be workinh absolutely inside the parameters, which is absolutely lie.
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