Happiness in the book is clearly not important in the book. This can be seen clearly when Lenina That is saying her unfaithfulnees in public and Henry Have to be happy.
2.- Is it natural to be in a couple and raise a family in the Brave new World? Why/why not?
This book is not natural, because men can relate to many women no matter who, in this world there is no commitment with one woman I this case, therefore there is no true love.
3.- What is the meaning of “pneumatic” when it is used to describe Lenina?
This word really means "full of air" but is Mentioned in the book as an attractive woman that all men wanted to have because of their body shape.They are describing lenina
4.- What is “Soma” and why do people use it?
is a drug that provided to people when they felt wrong without secuandarios effects, which to these told that if at all.
5.- Was Bernard a tall or a short man? How did this affect his job? Please justify your answer by quoting from chapter 5.
Bernard don´t feel comfortable with him self, he is a short man that affect in his job, because the people see him from a different form.
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